Medicines dispute merely highlights necessity of scrapping the Protocol
Brexit NI Politics

Medicines dispute merely highlights necessity of scrapping the Protocol

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Today’s announcement on medicines merely underscores the fact that the Protocol is unreformable and must go. It is shocking that decisions on the medicines which are necessary for health and even the survival of people in Northern Ireland should be taken by EU bureaucrats. Nothing could more graphically underscore the democratic and constitutional obscenity which is the Protocol better than its say over our medicines. Yet there are some who welcome this as some magnanimous gesture from our colonial overlords!

“For as long as Northern Ireland is subject to foreign laws we do not make and cannot change and dictated to by people like Maroš Šefčovič who is accountable to no one in Northern Ireland the current situation will be intolerable.

“The issues relating to our supply of medicines makes this indisputably clear.”