Allister repudiates DUP attack on Ben Habib and its implementation of Protocol
Brexit Elections NI Politics

Allister repudiates DUP attack on Ben Habib and its implementation of Protocol

Extracts from Jim Allister’s speech in Dromore:-

Ladies and Gentlemen, Gavin Robinson disparagingly thinks you shouldn’t be here and he certainly thinks anyone from England shouldn’t be here! Delighted to share platform with my fellow countrymen and women.

Ben Habib, Ann Wittecombe are no interlopers, they are our compatriots and fellow U.K. citizens. How far the DUP in its Ulster nationalism has departed from the heart and essence of unionism is illustrated by Gavin Robinson’s crass comments which even went so far as to vilify the integrity of Baroness Kate Hoey. You can’t get much lower than that!

To seek to deride Ben Habib of all people is beyond contempt. This is the man who stood up for the Union when others were nowhere to be seen. Who funded to the tune of tens of thousands the legal challenge against the Protocol and who even wasted £30,000 on the DUP. Well Gavin, if he’s such an ogre do the decent thing and give him back his money!

As for Mr Robinson’s boast of having voted against the Protocol, it’s not where you start on the Protocol, it’s where you finish that counts. And while Ben Habib, Ann Widdecombe and Kate Hoey continue to stand firm, it is Gavin and his party that have paid the Danegeld to become Protocol implementers.

And all that in circumstances where not one word of the Union-dismantling Protocol has been change, nor one syllable of EU law disapplied and still not one check removed!


TUV/Reform UK is in the business of reuniting the United Kingdom. Reunification is our cause. Not for us, half in half out of the UK; half ruled by British laws, half ruled by foreign EU laws. No, our unionism is unashamedly based on One Crown, One Parliament, One People! Equal citizenship is our touchstone.

The first step for unionism in reuniting the United Kingdom is rejecting the Protocol-accepting DUP/Donaldson Deal. That opportunity will come in the General Election when TUV/Reform will stand out from the crowd of Protocol implementers.

Our alignment with Reform UK is about awakening pan-unionism across the entire UK. Pan nationalism campaigns for Irish unification. It’s time for a pan unionist demand for reunification of the United Kingdom….