TUV councillors welcome Freedom of Causeway Coast and Glens to health and care workers

TUV councillors welcome Freedom of Causeway Coast and Glens to health and care workers

TUV has welcomed the awarding of the Freedom of Causeway Coast and Glens Council to the NHS.

Causeway Councillor and party vice chairman Allister Kyle said:

“This proposal is off the back of the heroic work of the health and care workers during the COVID pandemic. It is the highest civic distinction that can be conferred upon individuals or bodies in recognition of outstanding service and there is no more fitting recipient than the health and care workers.

“I trust that all those employed in the sector – from cleaning and cattering staff to midwives, paramedics and home helps – feel that this is a worthwhile tribute.”

Ballymoney TUV Councillor Jonathan McCauley said:

“I am delighted that the council unanimously decided to award this honour to health and care workers. The service which they provide is something which we all rely on. I trust that today’s award will go some way to showing that we appreciate the sacrificial dedication of so many doctors, nurses and other staff to serving others.”