Casual celebration of murder becoming mainstream
NI Politics Terrorism

Casual celebration of murder becoming mainstream

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“The repeated emergence of “up the Ra” as a chant in recent months is deeply concerning, displaying as it does a complete contempt for those who lost lives, loved ones and limbs at the hands of the IRA. Far from it being something confined to the margins of society, we saw thousands of Republicans chat it at the publicly funded West Belfast Festival in the summer. More recently, it has featured as part of the post-match celebrations of the Republic of Ireland’s ladies football team and at the weekend those visiting Dublin Airport were treated to an impromptu rendition of the chat by hundreds of people. The song which features the chant has also risen to the top of music charts in the Republic.

“Not only this but there have been no shortage of voices in the public square willing to step forward and defend the chanting ranging from a board member of Ireland’s Future to sporting personalities.

“Let’s be clear. When one chants “up the Ra” they are celebrating La Mon, Enniskillen, Bloody Friday, Donegall Street, Claudy, Coleraine, Birmingham, Teebane, the abduction, murder and secret burial of civilians and the shooting of young women like Mary Travers and Joanne Mathers in the street among a host of other atrocities.

“This casual glorification of murder cannot be divorced from actual violence such as the attack on Finnis Orange hall last week. When one can justify the terrorists who shot up a lodge meeting it is no surprise that people attack an Orange hall. Nor can it be separated from the Sinn Fein leader in Northern Ireland’s claim that there was “no alternative” to IRA violence. Sinn Fein need to take ownership of this situation and end the abuse of the victims of Provo terror.”