Trust defining issue of election

Trust defining issue of election

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Why does TUV take such a strong stand against the Protocol? Does it really matter? Yes, it does because under the Protocol GB, the other part of our nation, is decreed to be a foreign country. That’s the basis upon which the Protocol operates. More than that, it decrees that the laws which govern our trade and our economy should not be British laws but foreign EU laws. Think about the constitutional and sovereignty consequences of that. Yet that is the impossible basis upon which it is demanded that Unionists should now operate Stormont and its Irish Sea Border.

“All that under a Sinn Fein First Minister. TUV says no to such self-destruction.

“You need Unionists you can trust. Trust to stand firm. Trust not to be bought. Trust not to be bullied. Trust should be at the heart of politics. Who do you trust to stand firm not just now but going forward?

“You want to be sure that the Unionists you vote for number one in this election will stand equally strong after the election as before.

“This is a defining question in this election. Some commentators speculate that after the election the DUP stance will weaken and change. You can rest assured that will not happen with TUV.

“So if you want to be sure that your vote will never be used to empower a Sinn Fein First Minister or implement the Protocol then vote TUV on Thursday. Vote for strength, not weakness. You won’t be disappointed. We won’t let you down.”