Windsor tightens the Protocol knot
Brexit NI Politics

Windsor tightens the Protocol knot

Speaking at a meeting in Ballyhalbert on Tuesday evening in support of Ards Peninsula TUV candidate, Tom Thompson, Jim Allister described the council election not just as an opportunity to secure dependable council representation, but to speak with strength, not weakness, on the Windsor Whitewash.

“Far from loosening the chains of the Protocol, the Windsor Whitewash tightens them. This is perhaps best illustrated by the fact that though the PM, in overselling his woeful deal, painted the misnamed ‘green lanes’ as a breakthrough, the truth is that the internal trade from GB to NI will now be wholly under the control and jurisdiction of the EU, and that without grace periods.

“This is because, the very legislative steps to be taken to establish the ‘green lanes’ will be taken, not by the U.K., but by the EU through EU legislation, which means that it is the ECJ which will determine any operational disputes! So,in both legislative and litigation terms the EU is in total control, able to shut down even the green lanes at their whim.

“What an appalling constitutional vista that the supposedly sovereign United Kingdom has surrendered control over its own internal trade to this foreign power, the EU. It is the EU’s Writ, not the UK’s Writ which runs!

“Any Vichy patsy who takes office in Stormont to implement the Protocol is assenting to foreign colonial rule and betraying the very essence of equal citizenship within the United Kingdom.

“TUV is unmistakably clear on these vital constitutional issues and will neither be cajoled nor coerced into becoming Protocol slaves. There is is a reason why no one is speculating if TUV’s position will change after the election! The fact there is such speculation about others is a clear signal as to why concerned unionists should cast their first pretence vote for TUV.”