Veterans’ Commissioner resignation should be a wake up call
Terrorism Victims

Veterans’ Commissioner resignation should be a wake up call

Statement by East Belfast TUV spokesperson John Ross:

“The resignation of Danny ‪Kinahan‬ as Veterans’ Commissioner should act as a wake up call to the Government when it comes to the issues which concern ex-service men and women in Northern Ireland.

“I met Mr Kinahan in his early days in the post as part of a TUV delegation. While I found him a pleasant individual with an ability to build relationships, we made it clear from the off that the position he occupied required much more clout in order for him to succeed. At that time he had no budget and to this day the Veterans’ Commissioner exists outside a statutory framework.

“Successive Governments of all colours have lamentably failed veterans. Their focus has been on appeasing victim makers rather than standing up for those of us who served our country and stood between its people and the terrorists.

“Mr Kinahan is absolutely correct in saying that veterans in Northern Ireland feel forgotten and without the protections enjoyed by their counterparts in Great Britain. With the Military Covenant in Northern Ireland a mere shadow of what exists in the rest of the UK how could it be otherwise?

“I thank Danny for his efforts on behalf of veterans and appeal to the Government to heed the message his resignation sends.”