TUV leader’s New Year message
NI Politics

TUV leader’s New Year message

“One year on from the imposition of the Union-dismantling Protocol, any honest assessment must conclude that dither and duplicity by major forces in Unionism has assisted it to bed in. As former First Minister, Peter Robinson, has observed you cannot proclaim opposition to that which you are implementing day and daily. Hence, the folly of the Poots posts.

“Equally, shying away from using the leverage at our disposal and instead talking nonsense about a new north/south oversight body has given succour to the ill-gotten sovereignty of the EU over Northern Ireland.

“So, what is needed first and foremost in 2022 is new resolve to dismantle the Protocol and reverse the mistakes and inaction of 2021.

“If ever the affirmation, “Out with the Old and In with the New” had relevance, it is now.

“2022, of course, presents that opportunity on many fronts, not least in the Assembly election. TUV will give every voter the chance to decide OUT with the broken promises, the constant rollover to Sinn Fein and sustaining the failed system at Stormont, and IN with the strong, dependable voice of TUV. Principle before power will put integrity back into politics.

“That is what TUV will seek to offer in 2022, while reminding voters that you get what you vote for!

“I wish all a happy, safe and healthy New Year.”