TUV holds constructive meeting with Grand Orange Lodge
Brexit NI Politics

TUV holds constructive meeting with Grand Orange Lodge

A TUV delegation led by Jim Allister and including Bannside Councillor Timothy Gaston and Ballymena Councillor Matthew Armstrong met with officers of the Grand Orange Lodge this afternoon.
Speaking after the meeting Jim Allister said:
“We had a useful and constructive meeting with the Orange Order. Grand Lodge officers reflected the deep concern within the ranks of the Institution about the Northern Ireland Protocol and TUV spelt out in very clear terms what we believe needs to be done to prevent the Protocol bedding in.
“We reiterated our view that the only way to make Westminster sit up and take notice is robust, sustained and determined political action. That means Unionists freezing involvement in the North/South arrangements established under the Belfast Agreement until the East/West balance is restored. Why should things continue as normal when it comes to North/South when East/West relationships have been trashed? Unionists need to veto any more EU laws rather than simply voting them through Stormont. Finally, there should be no question of a Unionist Agriculture Minister operating border checks.
“TUV look forward to future positive engagement with the Institution in the future.”