TUV challenges Tesco on exclusion of Northern Ireland from Armed Forces Day offer

TUV challenges Tesco on exclusion of Northern Ireland from Armed Forces Day offer

TUV Lagan Valley candidate and RAF veteran Lorna Smyth has written to the Chief Executive of Tesco in the following terms:

Dear Mr Murphy,

I write following the announcement that Tesco plans to thank members of the Armed forces with a free breakfast.

I commend this initiative and the pride which your company professes to have in our armed forces.

However, I am appalled to learn from the small print at the end of your press release announcing the scheme that the offer “excludes Northern Ireland.”

How can you say that you are proud of our Armed Forces except when it comes to Northern Ireland, the very part of the United Kingdom where members of the forces lost their lives in defence of the UK in recent years?

Why was the decision made to exclude Northern Ireland?

It is very late in the day to find reverse gear on this but I appeal, even at this stage, to revisit the decision as it risks turning what should be a positive story for Tesco into one about discrimination against the Armed Forces depending on where they are stationed or live in the UK.

Yours sincerely,
Lorna Smyth, Lagan Valley TUV Westminster candidate.

Note to editors

The Tesco press release is online here.