Timid Tuesday brings little relief

Timid Tuesday brings little relief

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-
“While the overdue return to school for our children is welcome, Timid Tuesday delivered little else.
“Once more the Executive dithered. Another disappointment for hard pressed retailers and business.
“While the other U.K. nations move forward, with dates and targets, Stormont can’t even explain the targets that have to be met in regard to the various data before next steps can be taken. How are things ‘data driven’, if the public can’t be told the trigger points for the next easements?
“Now, they’ve got a new cliche to hide behind, ‘social contact capital’ – but when it comes to spending it Executive austerity prevails!
“The hopelessness of today’s announcement compounds the despair of many in business who question why is it only in Northern Ireland that we wallow in indecision?”