“The Question and Answer below typifies an issue with the functioning of the Stormont system when it comes to resistance to scrutiny.
“This was a Question I tabled to the Health Minister on 4/12/20, which was finally answered TODAY – 8 months later! Even then, the Question asked is not adequately answered, with no explanation for the disparity raised and certainly no apology for the incredible delay.
“It is not so much the quality or content of the Question which is key, but the cavalier attitude of departments to the important issue of Assembly scrutiny.
“I’ve have little doubt an answer – as I have established in other cases- would have been drafted by civil servants within days of the question being tabled, yet ministerial sign off took months! Why?
“I am not the only MLA to complain about excessive delay in responding to Questions. Clearly there is an endemic problem which this Executive has not the will to address.
“Not only are MLAs being disrespected – which means their constituents are equally being disrespected – but often the pertinence and relevance of the Question has been overtaken by events, rendering the very asking of the Question nugatory.”
AQW 11585/17-22Mr Jim Allister(TUV – North Antrim)To ask the Minister of Health why patients discharged from hospital to private homes are not tested for COVID-19, while those who are discharged to residential and nursing homes are tested prior to discharge.
Tabled: 04/12/2020To be answered by 21/12/2020
AQW 11585/17-22 Written Answer
All patients admitted overnight into hospital are tested for COVID-19. Patients who test negative for COVID-19 on admission are also subject to a further single re-test conducted between 5-7 days after admission to hospital. COVID-19 testing is also carried out on patients who require surgery during their hospital stay. Care home settings are distinct from other settings in that they are enclosed environments and have a specific and particular risk profile. The purpose of testing patients in advance of discharge from a hospital setting to a care home is to support providers and staff in the receiving care home to understand each resident’s COVID-19 status, and to enable care homes to effectively plan for each resident’s care needs. For patients discharged from hospital to their own home, it is important that they follow the advice provided by the hospital in relation to their specific discharge arrangements.