Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:
“When questions arose around the Sport Sustainability Fund I wrote to the Audit Office asking them to investigate. I welcome the report which has been published today and note that it raises fundamental questions about how £23 million in taxpayers’ money was distributed.
“While much of the media focus has understandably been on the golf clubs and cycling it is worth noting the sporting body which benefited most was the GAA. They received a total of £7.4 million, 110% more than they requested.
“Paying millions of to clubs and sporting bodies which had large reserves is totally unacceptable. When the report notes that underwriting profits was “not an appropriate use of public spending” I suspect there will be no one who disagrees, except the Minister and her party.
“Failure to take any account of reserves or bank balances held by sporting organisations before paying the grants was scandalous and in compelling contrast to how taxi drivers and many businesses were treated.
“It is clear that there is a desire to sweep this issue under the carpet and move on. Even my request for an urgent oral question in the Assembly today has been rejected. Unionists would do well to reflect on the contrast between the reaction to this scandal and the cash for ash affair. If a Unionist Minister had presided over such a shambolic mishandling of public money, with millions going to sustain the profits of sporting organisations, while the NHS goes short, I have no doubt that there would be a much louder outcry. It seems, however, that once again the rules which apply to others do not apply to Sinn Fein. In truth, there is more than enough in the Audit Office report to cause Minister Hargey resign, but this is Stormont where anything goes!”