Sinn Fein does not seek government to unify Northern Ireland but to unify Ireland
NI Politics

Sinn Fein does not seek government to unify Northern Ireland but to unify Ireland

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-

“As the orchestrated talking up of a ‘border poll’ continues – with Shaun Woodward the latest useful fool – it is time to point out some plain facts.

  1. The fact that under the Belfast Agreement the only referendum permitted for the people of Northern Ireland is one which asks ‘Are you yet ready to join the Republic?’, is confirmation in itself of the intended direction of travel of the 1998 Agreement – hence its embrace of terrorists in government, phoney decommissioning, release of terrorist prisoners, letters of comfort for OTRs and whatever it takes to feed ‘the process’. It is abundantly clear to all but the most gullible that ‘the process’ is indeed all about inducing Irish unity – something into which the iniquitous Protocol fits snugly.
  2. With Sinn Fein leading the charge for a referendum, surely, it should be clear to any thinking unionist that enthroning them in government is abject folly. Sinn Fein does not seek government to unify Northern Ireland but to unify Ireland. As TUV has long said, Sinn Fein does not seek Stormont power to make Northern Ireland work – quite the opposite. The more unionists awaken to this reality the better.”