Statement by TUV deputy leader Court Councillor Ron McDowell:
“Struggling for relevance and seemingly desperate to find a niche for themselves in republican circles the SDLP this week launched anothetlr public attack on the funding of unionist bands through an article published by the Anderstown News group. The three bands in question received Arts Council funding for new instruments.
“Ignoring for a moment the inaccuracies within the report regarding the playing style of the bands in question, the SDLP have written to the Arts Council to request that funding be returned by the bands after they attended a parade on the Shankill. Laying aside the already stated SDLP ignorance of the band fraternity in the article there is undoubtedly selective criticism from them on this issue.
“For the record the TUV are quite happy to have this conversation, if the SDLP want to raise the issue of a band parading in a local parade for local people then let’s be consistent. The SDLP failed to mention the same awards pot being used to fund Sons of Ireland Flute band who have eulogised republicans such as Hunger Striker Kieran Lynch, IRA volunteer Kieran Doherty, republicans Henry Hogan and Declan Martin from the North Antrim Brigade on public social media forums.
“Why stop there though? If we are to have a moral conscience on such funding as the SDLP have now developed we should be consistent and defund all terror fests. As the SDLP advocate lets now strip funding from any event that is used to glorify terror. Feile an Phobail for example received £114k from the Arts Council and £244k from Belfast City Council respectively. That’s £358k for a festival shrouded in controversy every year with the annual ‘up the Ra’ chanting with the festival engaging bands such as the Wolfetones and Shebeen.
“The sad truth for Northern Ireland society in the 21st century is that ever since the SDLP leader John Hume held aloft Gerry Adams arms the sanitising of terrorism was enshrined as acceptable, when the DUP entered power sharing with Sinn Fein terror was sanitized more recently and for that reason the TUV have been consistent whilst the SDLP have been hypocrites. According to the latest security advice the IRA still control Sinn Fein, where are the SDLP on this? There has been millions of pounds of public money spent funding republican terror museums and the country is dotted with road side memorials to their heinous acts. Let’s be consistent, let’s claw back all terror related public funding and let’s then see the SDLP being ran out of West Belfast.
“The definition of a bigot is to be prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. Let’s see this attack for what it is.”