Refusing to squander £400m on Casement is the right decision – Jim Allister MP
NI Politics

Refusing to squander £400m on Casement is the right decision – Jim Allister MP

Jim Allister said:

“Refusing to squander £400m on Casement is the right decision. From a government which has raided pensioners’ winter fuel fund it would have been unconscionable to do otherwise than pull the plug.

“Let’s hope it is fully pulled and there will be no side deals to give preferential funding to the GAA, considering neither rugby or football got central government funding.

“GAA greed has caught up with them as they belligerently refused to increase their paltry £15m contribution but expected government to bail them out to the tune of hundreds of millions.

“Instead the government will, foolishly, waste millions on the Finucane Inquiry – maybe republicanism should have better targeted their demands!”