Rathcoole unrest

Rathcoole unrest

Statement by TUV North Belfast Assembly candidate Ron McDowell:
“This morning I attended the Row on Row memorial service in Rathcoole when the estate came together to remember those who sacrificed so much for our freedom. This was a superb event and showed our people at their absolute best – a community dignified in remembrance, showing the true face of Rathcoole.
“I appreciate that tensions are high in our community but whatever the motivation was for the trouble currently ongoing in  Rathcoole this achieves nothing for the area.
“This is not Rathcoole and should not be representative of the people there. I condemn this attack in the strongest possible terms.
“Rathcoole is a great place filled with great people who will rightly be outraged at this.
“It is incumbent on elected representatives of Unionism to provide leadership. Sadly that has been lacking and I fear that people are exploring that. When Unionists set deadlines and make threats about political action they need to follow through. When they don’t they permit more sinister forces to fill the vacuum”.