PM does not uphold Belfast Agreement in all its parts – hypocrisy exposed
NI Politics

PM does not uphold Belfast Agreement in all its parts – hypocrisy exposed

Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister MP:-

“It is gross hypocrisy for the Prime Ministers of the UK and the Republic to jointly declare of the Belfast Agreement, “Upholding the agreement is a deep, personal priority for us both”.

“Cross-community decision-making was proclaimed as the cornerstone of the Agreement, yet in a few weeks we will see that pledge shredded before our eyes as Stormont is denied the right to make a cross-community decision on the future of the Union-dismantling Protocol, but instead, because it suits nationalist interests, majoritarianism will return for this and this alone!

“Egged on by the Republic’s government, the UK government deliberately jettisoned cross-community voting on whether or not NI should be ruled by EU laws we don’t make and can’t change. Tragically, the lead party of unionism gave up the fight against such betrayal of unionist interests when they returned with their tail between their legs to Stormont to operate EU colonial rule.

“So, away with the pretence by Sir Keir Starmer that he is committed to upholding the Belfast Agreement in all its parts – he is only interested in its nationalist-favouring parts.”