Physical Posts at Port of Entry from GB a Major Test of Unionist Mettle
Brexit NI Politics

Physical Posts at Port of Entry from GB a Major Test of Unionist Mettle

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Declan Kearney’s claim at yesterday’s Executive Office committee meeting that Her Majesty’s Government will “put in place detailed plans with the Executive which does include physical posts at points of entry” as part of the Brexit process suggests that Unionists at the Executive face a major test of their mettle.

“No Unionist could agree to the imposition of such posts at Larne, Belfast and Warrenpoint. Not only would they represent a serious assault on our place within the United Kingdom but it would create a barrier between us and our single biggest market in the rest of the U.K. Quite apart from the constitutional ramifications it simply doesn’t make economic sense.

“The public deserve transparency on this issue both in relation to what exactly has been discussed on the issue and what the agreed position of the Executive Office is. Accordingly I have today tabled a number of questions on the issue to Mrs Foster and O’Neill.”