Passing of Gena Murray

Passing of Gena Murray

Statement by TUV Court Councillor Ron McDowell:

“I was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Gina Murray. Following the brutal murder of her 13 year old daughter Leanne by the IRA in the Shankill Bomb this quite and unassuming woman became a tireless voice for victims, reminding society of what the IRA were when all too many in the establishment glibly told us that we should forget about justice and move on.
“After so many years of service to others and a voice who spoke for more innocent victims than she ever knew I trust her family, particularly her son Gary, will draw comfort in the knowledge that it was a life well lived.

“I know I speak for the people of the Shankill and well beyond it when I say that there will be many remembering the family in prayer in the days ahead.”