Opposition to Protocol requires the bite of political action
Brexit NI Politics

Opposition to Protocol requires the bite of political action

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-
“The latest manifestation of the iniquitous Protocol to come to light, namely the restrictions on the armed forces of our nation moving their equipment to this part of supposedly sovereign U.K. territory, cries out for actions not just words from unionist leaders.
“This humiliation of the United Kingdom must be brought to a head.
“I have made proposals as to how this can be done, primarily by counter action on the north/south front and active refusal to implement the Irish Sea border. I’ve yet to hear alternative suggestions, other than mere affirmations of opposition to the Protocol, but such carry no weight, or we wouldn’t have got to this point.
“With the Union being dismantled before our eyes the present Unionist leadership needs to act politically with determination. We can’t go on propping up the end of the Belfast Agreement which promotes nationalism while the unionist dimension of east/west is reduced to ashes.
“For those eager to misrepresent what I am saying, I make it plain I am not advocating physical acts but political acts. Indeed, effective political action is an antidote to pointless and unwarranted alternatives that could lead to a dead end of criminality. Our cause is just. It must not be sullied by foolish wrongdoing.”