Nothing manufactured about Protocol concerns
Brexit NI Politics

Nothing manufactured about Protocol concerns

Statement by TUV East Antrim spokesman Norman Boyd:

“Congressman Neal clearly has no interest in listening to the concerns of Unionists or attempting to understand them. Given his long-standing association with militant Irish Republicanism this is hardly surprising but it is nonetheless galling to listen to his uninformed lectures about a place he has no understanding of beyond the misty-eyed Irish American fairy tales which have infected US politicians from both main parties for many decades.

“We all wish Congressman Neal a speedy return home. When he finally does get back to the States – maybe to organise another memorial for an IRA terrorist like Bobby Sands similar to the one he was pictured at some years ago – he will explain to those who elect him why they should be ruled by laws they do not make and cannot change all overseen by a foreign court. Such issues cut to the very heart of sovereignty. Of course, as we all know the core problem Congressman Neal has with Unionists is that we exist. He wants to see an end to Northern Ireland and his enthusiasm for the Protocol should merely serve to stiffen Unionist resolve to see its complete removal.”