New poll shows 85% of people in Great Britain oppose foreign laws for any part of the UK – a core element of Windsor Framework
Brexit NI Politics

New poll shows 85% of people in Great Britain oppose foreign laws for any part of the UK – a core element of Windsor Framework

A new poll has shown that 85% of people living in Great Britain are against the Windsor Framework.

Whitestone insight polling said that, excluding ‘don’t knows’, 85% of people living in Great Britain agree it is wrong for laws governing part of the UK to be made by a foreign power.

Responding to the poll Jim Alister, leader of the TUV said:

“It is hugely encouraging that such a significant majority of people living in the rest of the UK regard the way in which Northern Ireland has been treated as wrong. There has been a tendency by commentators to assume it is only unionists in Northern Ireland that care. These figures flatly contradict that.

“This poll also exposes the weak and incompetent approach of the DUP. Instead of maximising leverage over HMG by working with likeminded folk in GB, the DUP has sought to lie and silence voices against the restoration of Stormont.”

TUV South Belfast and Mid Down candidate, Dr Dan Boucher added:

“I never accepted that people living in GB don’t care about Northern Ireland. I personally moved to Northern Ireland to fight the humiliation of the Protocol.”

Ben Habib, Deputy Leader of Reform UK commented:

“The results of the poll are not in fact surprising. Every time I speak of the plight of Northern Ireland I am cheered when I advocate the denunciation of the Windsor Framework. British citizens across the UK know it is an assault on all of us.”

Mr Alister concluded:

“These figures provide a strong basis for voters to vote TUV – the only genuinely anti-Protocol option on the ballot, and working across the UK with our allies in Reform UK.”

Methodology: Whitestone Insight interviewed 2012 GB adults online between 26th and 27th June 2024. Data were weighted to be representative of all adults.