Libraries NI dodging key questions after hosting IRA glorifying singers
Terrorism Victims

Libraries NI dodging key questions after hosting IRA glorifying singers

Statement by TUV Mid Ulster spokesperson Glenn Moore:

“Just before Christmas I was contacted by an innocent victim of Republican violence who drew my attention to an event held in Cookstown library on 17th December entitled Christmas Sing-Along with the Glackin Family.

“The Glackin family were advertised as singing “festive favourites for all the family to enjoy”.

“The truth is that this family is well known in the local area for their involvement with singing groups which glorify IRA killers.

“Unsurprisingly therefore victims of Republican violence were not just offended and hurt by this event but positively retraumatised in the run up to Christmas due to those who celebrate the terror which resulted in empty chairs round their Christmas dinner table being hosted by a library in Cookstown as people who promote a family friendly atmosphere.

“I wrote to the Chief Executive of Libraries NI asking at what level this event was signed off, what – if any – consideration was given to the feelings of victims of terrorism and what assurances I could be given that acts of this nature will not be hosted by Libraries NI in the future.

“The response I received addressed none of these issues.

“I have now drawn the matter to the attention of my colleague Timothy Gaston who has assured me that he will be raising the matter with Minister Lyons when Stormont returns.”