Invest NI is failing all outside Belfast
NI Politics

Invest NI is failing all outside Belfast

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-

“Once more the response to an Assembly Question I tabled has laid bare the neglect of North Antrim and other non-Belfast constituencies by Invest NI.

“Having asked for the number of foreign direct investment visits to each constituency over the last 10 years, I am appalled to find all North Antrim merited was 17 visits in 10 years, with none at all in 2022/23! 

“Once more the Belfast focus of Invest NI is inescapable with 856 visits to South Belfast, 267 to East Belfast, 250 to North Belfast and 82 to West Belfast. Clearly, Invest NI should be renamed Invest Belfast!

“The neglect of non-Belfast constituencies is shocking. The department needs to take this issue by the scruff of the neck and make Invest live up to its name. 

“As the attached figures show this Belfast centric approach is endemic and has been going only for years despite the promises of successive Economy ministers.”

Note to editors

The relevant question and answer are online here.