Increasing anti-social behaviour problem needs a united approach to tackle it

Increasing anti-social behaviour problem needs a united approach to tackle it

Statement by TUV Alderman Stewart McDonald:
“It has always been a privilege to represent the people of Bannside in elected office. Our people are great and there is a fantastic sense of community. It is because I know that and see evidence of it every day of the week that I am particularly grieved by an increasing number of anti-social behaviour and vandalism incidents in the area.
“Graffiti on a wall does nothing to further the cause of defeating the Northern Ireland Protocol.
“Breaking the window of a long-standing resident who as a key worker has served out community throughout the pandemic is nothing other than vandalism.
“While there is a role for the police in dealing with anti-social behaviour there is also an onus on the community, not least on parents, to ensure that we all do what we can to stamp out such behaviour.
“Let’s pull together and work towards that end.”