If the price of ministerial office is facilitating the Protocol then Unionists need to resign
Brexit NI Politics

If the price of ministerial office is facilitating the Protocol then Unionists need to resign

Reacting to today’s ruling that the boycott of North/South meetings is unlawful Jim Allister said:

“Ultimately the DUP has a choice to make. Are DUP Ministers going to climb down and facilitate the Protocol? If they do so they will deny everything they have said about North/South relations being unable to continue as normal as long as East / West relations were trashed. Alternatively are they going to resign? Untimely that is the choice.

“By ceasing to be minister you cease to be under any obligation to operate North/South relations while East /West links are trashed. The Union dismantling Protocol partitions the UK and treats Great Britain as a third country. If one is a Unionist and can only be a Minister if you are party to that trashing the only honourable course is to resign.”