Hate crime investigation following abuse directed at parade should be about identifying those who broke the law and bringing them before the courts

Hate crime investigation following abuse directed at parade should be about identifying those who broke the law and bringing them before the courts

Statement by TUV party chairman and Cusher Councillor Keith Radcliffe:

“In the aftermath of a Black Saturday parade in Newry I wrote to the Chief Constable to draw his attention to a video circulating on social media showing the abuse hurled at the parade as it passed Ginger Janes bar on the outskirts of the town.

“I had been approached by a number of people who were on the receiving end of this abuse who have asked me to raise the incident. Following the publication of the video online, it was clear that many of those involved could be identified if there was the will to do so.

“Bandsmen and members of the Loyal Orders have been before the courts after engaging in similar reprehensible behaviour while in private following the emergence of videos. This was abuse directed straight at the other community.

“I have now received a reply from the PSNI telling me that an investigation has now commenced into a sectarian motivated hate crime. The PSNI have also told me that they will engage with the Royal Black District Officers to “address their concerns”.

“For my part, I wish to make it clear that it is not about addressing the local District’s concerns but identifying those who broke the law and bringing them before the courts.”