Gaston welcomes correspondence from Health Minister on puberty blockers

Gaston welcomes correspondence from Health Minister on puberty blockers

Statement by TUV North Antrim MLA Timothy Gaston:

“I recently wrote to Health Minister Mike Nesbit raising concerns that Northern Ireland could become a “back door” for puberty blockers to enter Great Britain and asking that he bring forward plans to bring us into line with the rest of the United Kingdom and ban these dangerous and damaging drugs in Northern Ireland.

“I welcome the fact that in his response Minister Nesbitt has stated that he shares my “concerns both in the lack of scientific and medical evidence regarding the safety and effectiveness of gender dysphoria on young people and on the dangers of Northern Ireland being exploited if it remains out of step legally with the rest of the UK”.

“He has informed me that he advised executive colleagues on the matter and wrote again on 2nd August following the recent court judgement. The Minister has also provided a detailed paper recommending Northern Ireland align with Great Britain and legislate on a UK wide basis by extending the emergency order to Northern Ireland.

“There is now an onus on the Executive to act swiftly on Minister Nesbitt’s sensible proposals which will be welcomed by many across our Province.”