Election is a question of trust

Election is a question of trust

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:
“As I have travelled around the Province it is increasingly clear to me that fundamentally the issues for Unionists boil down to who can they trust.
“While some are campaigning on a most confused platform – one minute admitting that what they told the Unionist people in February was untrue but vote for us next Thursday and we will put it right and the next minute trumpeting their supposed achievements while all the while the border posts are being built at our ports – TUV has been clear and consistent throughout. Our simple message of restore the Union is resonating with those who realise that TUV alone has a track record of truthfulness and integrity which is sadly lacking in politics.

“On Thursday 4th July vote for the Unionist candidate you can believe. Vote for the party you can trust. Vote TUV.”