Cost of Irish Sea Border checks and infrastructure close to £1 billion

Cost of Irish Sea Border checks and infrastructure close to £1 billion

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister MP:-

“Quite apart from the ongoing and rising cost to business every day, arising from the partitioning of our country by the EU’s Irish Sea border, it is now clear from recent parliamentary replies to me that the costs to man and operate the border and build the extravagant infrastructure demanded by Brussels, is fast approaching £1 billion.

“These answers show that far from the Irish Sea border being gone, as the DUP claimed, it has already cost £650M to administer and almost £200M is being spent on the border posts where checks will be conducted on our trade from GB, overseen by EU officials.

“This is not only monstrous in constitutional terms but also in financial terms. HMG decrees cuts in welfare and elsewhere but merrily squanders £1B to placate the EU to whom it has surrendered Northern Ireland as a colonial territory. Sadly, the DUP largely gave up the fight when they returned to Stormont to implement the Protocol, but TUV will not let up on exposing and opposing this madness.”

Note to editors

The reverent questions and answers are online here and here.