Clarity demanded from Alliance on puberty blockers

Clarity demanded from Alliance on puberty blockers

Statement by TUV vice chairman Allister Kyle:

“There is an urgent need for the Alliance Party to come clean on where it stands on the clear and unambiguous medical advice on dangerous, life altering drugs being given to vulnerable children.

“With the Alliance Lord Mayor of Belfast openly associating himself with the small protest organised by zealots against the ban last night, it is clear that the party is at best ambiguous when it comes to this issue.

“Throughout the Covid pandemic Alliance excelled at condescending lectures about the importance of “following the science” (except of course when their leader wanted to make sure she didn’t miss a photo opportunity in Dublin). Now, it seems, Alliance representatives have free rein to criticise the advice of experts.

“I suspect that Mrs Long and others in the party leadership are well aware of the fact that sensible people support the ban on puberty blockers and are embarrassed by the position of people like their MLA for Upper Bann and Councillor Murray. However, it is worth remembering that Alliance hailed the elevation of Councillor Murray to the position of Lord Mayor of Belfast. Does the leader support his ludicrous claim that the Executive of which she is a part has put lives at risk by banning puberty blockers?”