Benefits of UK membership clear as Alliance and Greens ride Nationalist coattails on Anti-British trip to Dublin
Brexit NI Politics

Benefits of UK membership clear as Alliance and Greens ride Nationalist coattails on Anti-British trip to Dublin

Statement by Jim Allister:

“Today’s announcement by the Chancellor underscores both the benefits of being part of the UK and the folly of the Nationalist parties and their hangers on who travelled to Dublin today.

“Throughout this pandemic, despite the spin of nationalist commentators, the perks of Northern Ireland being part of a world leading economy have been clear. While Murphy sought and failed to secure a joint order of PPE from China with the Dublin government the four nations approach delivered for hospitals and care homes across Northern Ireland. Republicans while Brit-baiting and bashing never have had any problem spending Exchequer cash.

“Now, as the furlough scheme draws to a close, the UK has delivered again with a generous jobs support scheme, a similar scheme for the self-employed, bounce back loans for businesses and an extension of the VAT cut for the tourism and hospitality sector.

“But on the day this is announced in London, Sinn Fein, the SDLP, Alliance and the Greens are in Dublin seeking assurances from the Republic that they will resist the UK’s efforts – limited and belated as they are – to mitigate something of the impact of the Irish Sea border! It should not be lost on ordinary people in Northern Ireland that ideological EU fanaticism is driving Alliance and the Greens to champion something which will inevitably make it more difficult for Northern Ireland to trade with our biggest market in Great Britain – something which will drive up prices for all of us at the till.”