Responding to the Finance Minister’s written statement on Special Advisers, Jim Allister said:-
“I am firstly disappointed that the minister choose to issue this as a written statement, rather than making an oral statement to the House where relevant issues could have been explored through questions.
“Much of the content of changes to the Code of Conduct I do not disagree with, but the fundamental point remains: for a Code of Conduct to be given bite it needs to be complemented by legislation underscoring its provisions and providing for enforcement. My pending Bill affords the opportunity to turn the intent of the Code into reality.
“One area where I am disappointed with the minister’s statement is the retreat which it makes in the Code for Appointment. The requirement for the appointing minister to consider a widely based pool of candidates has been removed. This means the non-transparent DUP approach, as enunciated by Jonathan Bell to the RHI Inquiry, namely that the party told him who his adviser would be, is validated. This is a retrograde step which aids, not addresses, the party hack culture attending Spad appointments.
“I look forward to engagement on all these issues when my proposed Bill comes up for debate, but certainly nothing I see in Mr Murphy’s statement dissipates the need for my Bill.”