Allister calls for Kelly to be removed from Policing Board

Allister calls for Kelly to be removed from Policing Board

TUV leader Jim Allister has today written to the Secretary of State calling for the removal of Gerry Kelly from the Policing Board.

Mr Allister’s letter is reproduced below.

Dear Secretary of State,

Re: Gerry Kelly MLA position on Policing Board

You will be aware of a judgement in the High Court in Northern Ireland, Gerard Kelly-v-Malachi O’Doherty.

Within this judgement, which involves the striking out of attempted libel proceedings by Mr Kelly, you will note a number of telling points such as the fact that the judge found that Mr Kelly is someone who a right-thinking person would view as having “lost his moral compass” due to him exploding bombs in central London, “Mr Kelly does not disassociate himself from the use of force for the purpose of escaping. Indeed, quite the opposite” and ““a right-thinking person would … have to conclude that Mr Kelly’s convictions … resulted in him having a bad reputation and that, despite his political service, his reputation was still bad”.

It is my view that this judgement makes Mr Kelly’s position on the Policing Board completely untenable and accordingly I would invite you to remove him from the Board.

Yours sincerely,

Jim Allister KC MLA