Addressing the issues with the Protocol
Brexit NI Politics

Addressing the issues with the Protocol

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Being in the business of finding solutions requires removal of all that has caused the logjam in the first place and that, frankly, is
* the imposition by EU law of a customs and regulatory border partitioning the United Kingdom;
* the subjection of Northern Ireland, in respect of its economy, trade and border, to foreign EU law and oversight thereof by a foreign court (ECJ);
* the resulting suspension of the key lynchpin of the Acts of Union, Article 6;
* the consequential alignment of NI with the Republic through the building of the stepping stone of an all-Ireland economy.

“Thus, mere tinkering within the Windsor Framework or finding a protective future mechanism, for example a proofing of future legislation and actions against the requirements of Article 6, does nothing to undo what has already been imposed (as listed above) in breach of Art 6 and therefore it would not be a ‘solution’ worthy of the name. Future proofing would not address or alter the prevailing impositions.

“Any solution must first and foremost address and reverse that which has through the Protocol/Windsor Framework wrought dire constitutional damage to Northern Ireland’s place within the United Kingdom. To settle for less is to implement the very things hitherto identified as requiring an “unalterable position” of rejection of the Protocol, its mechanisms and structures (28 Sept 2021 solemn declaration of all Unionist leaders).”