DUP delivering on yet another Republican demand
NI Politics

DUP delivering on yet another Republican demand

Statement by TUV vice chairman Causeway Councillor Allister Kyle:

“Last night the Executive Office announced that they had begun the search for an Irish language commissioner.

“The significance of this development should not be missed. Anyone who looks at the legislation will discover that the “main function” of the Commissioner is put in the form of a statutory duty to “protect and enhance the development of the use of the Irish language by public authorities” in respect of their provision of services. This is to be done by the Commissioner setting “best practice standards” for every public authority and monitoring their performance.

“There will be no restraint on the exercise of the Commissioner’s functions through a unionist veto, because any “directions” as to the exercise of those functions must be from the joint First Ministers – meaning the First Minister would require Sinn Fein consent to any directions she wished to issue.

“The lesson from Scotland and Wales on language Acts is that the toe in the door guarantees it will be pushed open wider over time. The mechanism for this is built in as the legislation provides for the Commissioner at any time to review the standards set and he or she must do that every 5 years.

“I note that on social media Emma Little-Pengelly is playing up the forthcoming appointment of an Ulster Scots / Ulster British commissioner. The reality is that their powers and remit is minimal compared to the Irish Language Commissioner.

The functions are merely to “enhance and develop the language, arts and literature associated with the Ulster Scots and Ulster British tradition”. Note, no reference to Orange culture, or any type of culture.
The means by which the Commissioner is to exercise his function is to “produce and distribute publicity material”. Unlike Irish, no official recognition; no performance “standards” to be put on any public authority; no duty on public authorities to enhance the provision of services in Ulster Scots; no obligation for public authorities to produce a plan of action; no 5 yearly review.

“Indeed, while the Commissioner must increase awareness and visibility of Ulster Scots services “which are provided by public authorities to the public”, that relates to provision as is, with no compulsion to enhance. What a contrast with Irish!

“This is what Emma Little-Pengelly tells us amounts to a “reset” or “game changer”.

“The truth is that in reality it’s the same old story of DUP roll over.

“The bottom line is that while TUV is fighting the Republican agenda day and daily, the DUP have begun the process of delivering on another Sinn Fein demand – and bizarrely the deputy First Minister has tried to tell Unionists that it is some sort of victory! “