Evasion over child abuse questions and links to terror mean Unionists should be queueing up to sign no confidence motion
NI Politics Terrorism Victims

Evasion over child abuse questions and links to terror mean Unionists should be queueing up to sign no confidence motion

Statement by TUV deputy leader Court Councillor Ron McDowell:

“The questions surrounding Sinn Fein when it comes to the issue of child safety continue to grow in number and there will be few who will be filled with confidence that the decision of some member of the Executive Office Committee to furnish Ms O’Neill with their questions in advance of the meeting is a route which is likely to get to the truth. However, in addition to those profoundly important issues we now have confirmation that the IRA “Army Council” continues to exist, that the IRA is still involved in gathering intelligence, that it retains arms 19 years after they were supposedly decommissioned and that the IRA’s “Army Council” continues to oversee Sinn Féin’s overarching strategy.

“Child safety is profound enough an issue to call into question the suitability of anyone to hold office. After this morning’s confirmation that nothing has changed when it comes to the IRA and the role of its leadership in Sinn Fein surely all Unionist MLAs will be queuing up to sign the TUV motion of no confidence on Monday morning?

“Any Unionist who doesn’t sign it obviously does have confidence in Ms O’Neill. One is given to wonder what on earth Sinn Fein/IRA would have to do in order to lose it.”