Here we go, from Coleraine to Sandy Row – TUV hail fundraising efforts for the Cancer Fund for Children by Coleraine and Belfast Rangers Supporters Clubs

Here we go, from Coleraine to Sandy Row – TUV hail fundraising efforts for the Cancer Fund for Children by Coleraine and Belfast Rangers Supporters Clubs

TUV Vice Chairman and East Londonderry representative, Councillor Allister Kyle said:

“I am very proud to be associated with the phenomenal efforts of both Glasgow Rangers Supporters clubs who managed to raise £50,000 for the Cancer Fund for Children through the Emmie Smillie Foundation

“The comradeship of the two clubs shows how great goals can be achieved when likeminded people come together. The money was primarily raised by a sponsored cycle from Coleraine to Belfast which was watched by Rangers fans on the popular channel GersTV

“The money will go to good use at Daisy Lodge, Newcastle, County Down, where there purpose-built therapeutic centre is located. Under the careful stewardship of Cancer Fund for Children families can avail of support from right across the island of Ireland who are affected by cancer.

“The completely self-funded unit is dependent on donations. It is set up to allow families to spend quality time together in a safe and supportive environment, far removed from the pressures of cancer treatment and hospital wards. It also offers both privacy and the opportunity to meet and gain support from other families.

“I welcome talk of future fundraising for this and other very worthwhile causes and certainly look forward to getting more involved. Too many times our heritage, culture and social life is demonised by many, and the good news stories are pushed to the side, but here we have people rising to the fore just as the founding fathers of our football club did for in a selfless way for the betterment of others.”

KOB RSC, South Belfast chairman Sam Chestnutt said:

“Raising this money for such a worthy cause has been a real privilege for us and our visit to Daisy Lodge was such a humbling experience that many of us will not easily forget. Our 67 mile cycle was tough, but it was nothing in comparison to what those affected by cancer experience and we are just glad that we could contribute to the efforts of Cancer Fund for Children in this way.

“Both clubs worked hard and put a lot of time and energy into raising £50,000 but we couldn’t have done it without the support and encouragement of our local communities, friends both here in NI and further afield and everyone else who contributed in any way.

“We look forward to future fundraising opportunities and are committed to doing our bit to assist those in need.”

Coleraine True Blues Chairman John Gamble said:

“We’re absolutely delighted to hit the milestone of £50,000. At the start of the project we didn’t think we would be as successful. I am really proud of the effort put in by my club and our friends in the city, and it means so much more to us now when we’ve seen the amazing work that goes on in Daisy Lodge and how our fundraising will be put to good use.”