Interference in the democratic process in Lagan Valley

Interference in the democratic process in Lagan Valley

Statement by TUV Lagan Valley TUV candidate Lorna Smyth:

“Everyone accepts that there is rough and tumble in politics and I am big enough to recognise that having put myself forward to the electors in Lagan Valley some of the challenges which are part and parcel of the game will come my way. What I do not accept is that some would seek to interfere with the democratic process and that is exactly what has been happening over the last couple of weeks with the theft of a considerable number of my posters. Other posters have been cut down and left at the side of the road.

“Yesterday I made an official complaint to the PSNI about the matter and have been assured that they will be on the lookout to catch those responsible.

“Tellingly, there have been a number of occasions when my posters have been removed and replace by others promoting non-Unionist candidates. Clearly there are some who do not like the fact that a ex-servicewoman is putting herself forward for TUV and feel threatened by my campaign. I can assure them that I will not be deterred by this criminal activity.”