TUV confirms Allister to fight Euro Poll
NI Politics

TUV confirms Allister to fight Euro Poll

Following a delegates conference tonight in Belfast TUV has confirmed that its leader, Jim Allister, will fight the European Election on 22nd May. A former MEP (2004-09) Jim Allister’s high vote in 2009 took many commentators by surprise. Since then his high profile as the voice of Opposition in Stormont has greatly added to his standing.

In his acceptance speech Mr Allister said:-

“It is because 22nd May elections are vital and can be groundbreaking for TUV that I as leader am stepping forward to lead in this battle. The challenge and opportunity of 22nd May is something I relish.

“TUV will fight the European election on two complimentary tracks. Providing the electorate with the opportunity to better their representation in Brussels – when last, apart from at election time, has the public even heard of the three sitting MEPs – and the opportunity to give their verdict on the dismal, pitiful performance of Stormont.

“We have shown what one determined voice can do. Be it in Belfast or Brussels, TUV is no shrinking violet. TUV delivers.

“In recent weeks we’ve had a glimpse into the skullduggery and corruption of the so called Peace process, which this party has long challenged. The OTR scandal proves that no matter how audacious the IRA’s demands were, the craven British Govt rolled over, leaving us a criminal justice and political process that was corrupted. Claiming to be outraged Mr Robinson declared he would resign, unless he got a full judicial inquiry, naming names and rescinding the letters. Well, Mr Robinson couldn’t even keep up his faux anger for 24 hours, before he reverted to form and rolled over; settling for a meaningless secret review of some of papers, but no rescinding and no naming of names. Mr Robinson even said he had been hoodwinked into government. Well, if so, the obvious question is, ‘Why, then, is he still in government with Sinn Fein ?’

“In this election we’ll have many tough questions for roll over unionism and their buddies in government, the IRA glorifying Sinn Fein.

“TUV is the only party to have taken on Sinn Fein and won. For 14 years they had been appointing Provo killers as Special Advisers on £90,000 a year of public money. Well, no more, thanks to this party and Ann’s Law. TUV is the friend of innocent victims; others, alas, in government are the friends of the victim-makers.

“We championed the case against the odious Maze project. Mrs Dodds and the rest of the DUP did nothing to stop it, till the united unionist petition pulled the rug from under them.

“We’ll be giving the electorate the opportunity to pass their verdict on all these issues and many more.

“And, I greatly welcome the opportunity to take on the pan-nationalist front, be it Sinn Fein themselves, to whom I’ll never bow down, or the Euro fanatical SDLP, or even the latest bit player of nationalism, the outed Alliance Party. Yes, the stand for nothing, fall for everything Alliance Party that has now added green to their yellow colours.

“On Europe, this party has a very clear message. We’d be Better Off Out!

“The EU is not delivering for the UK. As UK taxpayers we pour in £17billion into Brussels every year, and, even with the rebate and grants, we get back barely half! Leaving a staggering net cost of £23m per day! In addition EU membership is robbing us of the right to make our own decisions on such vital matters as immigration, trade agreements and social policy. I believe in the political unity, prosperity and independence of the United Kingdom, not in Brussels Diktats. Thus, we strongly support an early in/out referendum and the reclaiming of control over our own country and borders.

“My mission in politics is to stand strong for what I believe to be right. Whether in Stormont or Brussels it’s principle, not expediency. For too many in politics it’s all about doing and saying whatever it takes to cling to power. I hope I’ve demonstrated TUV is different.

“In Stormont you’ve seen what one determined TUV voice can achieve. In Brussels you can have the same.

“This election has the potential for a political earthquake in Ulster. Only TUV can deliver that. Let’s bend all our efforts to make it happen. On that basis we go forward into election battle, determined to take a stand for principled politics and offering the voters the opportunity to wipe the smile of the faces of those who’ve failed them.”

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