NI security of supply sacrificed on altar of ISEM

NI security of supply sacrificed on altar of ISEM

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-

Embargo 00.01 26th January 2018

“The severe threat of the loss of Kilroot Power Station and even Ballylumford is, I fear, the first of many hits Northern Ireland will take in consequence of the dash to establish the Integrated Single Electricity Market (ISEM) in May 2018.

“As we lose generating capacity and control Northern Ireland may well be at the painful end of the ROI orientated change, which is being rushed in with no proper transition period or protections on security of supply.

“SONI being controlled by Eirgrid, itself owned by the Dublin Government, is no protection but rather gives all the appearance of dancing to the tune of its Dublin masters. Our Utility Regulator, as demonstrated to me in a letter this week, is at best complacent and our Department of Economy is head over heels in its enthusiasm for ISEM.

“The announcement of approval for the North/South interconnector just days before the likely loss of Kilroot was probably choreographed to suggest all will be well. But the reality is that for the next three and more years there is little in place to guarantee our security of supply.

“We are heading into what I see as a largely unplanned transition to the ISEM which is probably driven more by the politics of securing an unalterable EU-tethered ISEM, than the best interests of Northern Ireland and its energy needs.”

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